Our desire at Holy Spirit Catholic Church is to do all we can to help your children encounter Jesus and grow in their love and faith in God. We offer catechesis classes on Wednesday evenings during the school year to help parents in their role in passing on the faith to their children.
When: Classes meet on Wednesdays during the schools year from 6:30-7:30 p.m. See schedule for more information. Join us for Mass at 5:30pm, food and fellowship at 6:00 p.m. followed by class at 6:30. There are occasional adult education opportunities available Wednesday evenings as well so watch the bulletin for more information.
2024-2025 1st-5th Grade Catechesis Schedule
2024-2025 1st-5th Grade Catechesis Schedule with Sacramental Preparation Dates
1st-5th Grade Parent Manual
We use the Alive in Christ curriculum. Our Diocese has issued curriculum standards for each grade and can be viewed on the Fargo Diocese website.
Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist
At Holy Spirit Parish, in 2nd grade, children prepare for First Reconciliation; and in 3rd Grade, children prepare for both Confirmation and First Eucharist. The preparation includes a set of lessons for families to do together, parent meetings, interviews, and retreats for parents/children.
Our 2nd graders will prepare for and make their First Reconciliation during the fall semester. The third graders will begin preparing in the fall and will receive Confirmatoin and First Communion in the spring.
For more information OR if your child has missed preparing for these sacraments, please contact Ashley Njaa, the Catechesis Coordinator, at 701-232-5900 ext. 214. We are happy to work with you and your family, so that every means of grace to live the Catholic faith is accessible to you.
Sacramental Preparation Dates for 2nd and 3rd Grades 2022-2023
Sacrament of Reconciliation Candidate Preparation Checklist 2022-2023
Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist Candidate Preparation Checklist 2022-2023
Children with Special Needs
At Holy Spirit Parish, we recognize that some children and adults have special needs. In consultation with you as parents and to the degree that we are able to do so, classrooms and methods will be adapted to accommodate students with special needs. The Alive in Christ website has included adaptable activities for all the lessons. For students who need a special sacramental program there are preparation kits available from the Office of Catechesis at the Diocese of Fargo. For assistance, you may visit the diocese’s Special Needs page or contact the Holy Spirit office, 701-232-5900.
To volunteer, please contact the Holy Spirit office, 701-232-5900 or send an email to re@holyspiritfargo.com